A weblog about all the inconveniences we encounter in everyday life. Diapers, junk food, cruelty to animals, hostile people, rude cell phone behavior, cancer, terrible customer service (also known as "why the hell am I giving this company my money?"), ignorance, parking, bad spelling, family disturbances, office politics, death (the biggest inconvenience of all) and more. Thanks for saving me thousands of dollars in therapy by reading my blog. It might even make you laugh.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


My tranquility fountain! I always wanted one of these. This one was affordable. At least affordable before the cost of the batteries. It's cordless! Neat-O.

We will see how long the batteries last. I'll be sponsoring a contest -- whoever can guess how long the batteries last (two AAs) wins one of these fountains or double the cash equivalent donated in your name to the charity of your choice (okay, the fountain was cheap; thank you, Walgreens). Post your guesses in the comments section with the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds that you guess the batteries in this fountain will last, starting now. Alternatively you can post the date and time you think it will stop running.

Here's the tricky part -- I would love for the sake of science to run the darn thing 24 hours a day, but my cat might destroy it or drink all the water when I'm not here, and hey, batteries are expensive! So you agree this isn't scientific, and I agree to keep the fountain running as continuously as possible. That shouldn't be difficult, since I will be glued to this desk transcribing for the next few weeks. (See previous post.)

Ahh! I feel so tranquil already.


Blogger Laura said...

I could tell those were your feet... :o)
So transcribing is like working a sewing machine???
Ok, my guesstimate on the battery life is: 128 days, 16hrs, 47 minutes. I want one of those fountain thingys... I also wouldn't run it 24/7, from another practical standpoint...I have enough trouble sleeping all night without running to the bathroom the whole time!


9:50 PM, May 19, 2005


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