A weblog about all the inconveniences we encounter in everyday life. Diapers, junk food, cruelty to animals, hostile people, rude cell phone behavior, cancer, terrible customer service (also known as "why the hell am I giving this company my money?"), ignorance, parking, bad spelling, family disturbances, office politics, death (the biggest inconvenience of all) and more. Thanks for saving me thousands of dollars in therapy by reading my blog. It might even make you laugh.

Friday, May 20, 2005

So I could use a pedicure ....

Fredi thinks my feet are ugly! Harrumph. They are not my most attractive feature, I agree. But I've seen some ugly feet in my day and I don't think mine qualify. My feet are back under the desk for typing now but they were in this position at some point during the last 24 hours, which is a good thing.


Blogger Sue Flaska said...

Ok Lori, here's the thing. I hate feet, except mine, they are of course, cute. But I do have classifications of feet based on looks, such as, my husband's feet....I have to be drunk to touch them. For yours, hell, they would fall under feet almost as cute as mine, and I'd touch them for a Rollo or two. Tell your husband your feet are NOT gross, and I know gross feet when I see them!


1:13 PM, May 21, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

I love you, Sue! And I'll GIVE You some Rollos (the candy? or is that some drink? is the candy spelled Rolos?) - you don't have to touch my feet.

I do have pretty little, if fat, feet. My grandma thinks my feet are huge because she wears a size 3. I wear a size 6 1/2 (WIDE). I think they just look better in cute shoes, so I will post some cute shoe pictures from the series.

7:08 PM, May 21, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOur feet are sweet. Tell 'em your big sis said so.

5:16 PM, May 23, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

I miss you, big sis!

5:58 AM, May 26, 2005

Blogger Laurel said...

What is it with men and feet? My husband says I have "Barney Rubble" feet....

10:00 AM, May 31, 2005


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